This guide will take you through the steps of performing an assigned inspection in the app. 

If you need a brief overview of all features in the Qarma app, please see this guide.

Log-in to Qarma on your device

If you have forgotten your password, follow this guide to Reset your password.

Finding the inspection

There are several methods to find the inspection. If it is not already on the front page under 'Planned', use the search function to search directly for an order number or item name (learn more).

Inspection information

As visualized below, the available information will be a summary of the order information. It includes inspection type, date of inspection, order number, and status.Performing the inspection

When the inspection is opened, follow the checklist to set each checkpoint's status and take pictures.

Swipe right on a checkpoint to immediately give the status 'Checked ok'.

Swipe left on a checkpoint to easily set another status: Checked Ok - Checked Not Ok - Pending - Not applicable
Go through all points in the checklist and, if needed, add pictures and comments under the specific checkpoint.

To report a defect, take a photo of the product and add a comment or notation to the picture. Use the feature to state the severity of the defect - and the quantity affected. 

When finished with all the checkpoints and defects reporting - or other documentation - it is possible to access a clear overview of all the reported defects.

Tap on the defect itself to see more information connected to the reported defect.

 Order information

Clicking on order info, the last tab in the top bar, enables you to see all information connected to a specific order, as well as specification pictures and documents.

Finish inspection 

At the bottom of the checklist, click Summary and Submit

Set the overall inspection status and add any comments before you press End Inspection.

Subsequently, an email will be sent to the users listed under 'Notifications' with a link to the report. 

NOTE! When the inspection is submitted, please stay on the screen until the upload has completed. If you have been online throughout the inspection, it will only take a few seconds. It might take a long time if you have been offline, depending on the number of pictures uploaded. Follow the status on the Cloud icon.