The following guide shows how to create users in Qarma. 

How to create a user in Qarma:

1. Open the user tab found under your profile name or press the following link: Users.

2. Press 'Add User'.

3. After pressing 'Add Users', the following dialog will open: 

The dialog requests multiple information about the new user. The primary information is the user's first and last name, an email address, a user role, and potentially, if the feature is active on your account, the group the new user should be a part of. To select the correct user role, please see the below table. If you have any questions, please contact Qarma Support. 

Moreover, the dialog also contains choices such as if the person should be notified with a welcome email, a temporary password should be set, and the language setting. 

Please note that all the above information also is editable after a user is created. 
If the name or email needs to be edited, please contact Qarma Support.

Notice: Lower-case

 If the email address contains uppercased letters, the box will be marked with red. 

Changing the letters to lowercase will lead to accepting the email address. 

Notice: Already exists

 If the email address already exists in the system, it is impossible to create a new user. 

If the email was previously added but later deactivated, the user can be activated again. In such cases, select the Disabled users in the filter at the top of the user page and re-activate them. 
If the user does not remember the password, it can be reset as normal.